family recipes that work
- Removes cholesterol deposits from blood vessels;
- blood thinning;
- Strengthen blood vessel walls.
garlic and lemon
- Pour dried flowers (4 spoons) and chopped fruits (6 pcs) into 500 ml of alcohol. Leave for 14 days, shaking the container regularly. Before use, dilute 2 tablespoons of product in 5 tablespoons of water. Moisten a napkin in the resulting solution and wrap it for 2 hours. To enhance the effect, cover with cellophane and wrap a towel over it. You must lie flat with your limbs elevated during the procedure.
- Make a decoction from the flowers: pour two spoons of warm water (200 ml) and leave in a dark place for 6 hours, then boil and leave for another 1 hour. Take 75 ml in the morning and evening for 14 days, and then stop taking the medicine for one week. The course of treatment can last up to six months.

datura seeds
- In compressed form for use on stars and painful areas: 25 ml per 100 ml of water.
- For internal use, 2 drops diluted with water (25 ml) is sufficient. Take 3 times a day and eat after 30 minutes. The treatment lasts for one month and is repeated after six months.
apple cider vinegar
- compression.Soak a paper napkin in warm vinegar, then apply it to the problem area and leave it on until the paper towel is completely dry.
- pack.Fold the gauze into several layers, moisten it in the vinegar solution, and squeeze out the excess liquid. Lay the fabric over the limbs, cover the top with cellophane and insulate with a towel.
- Rub it in.Gently soak the sore limb with a cloth soaked in vinegar until the water dries; no need to rinse.
Popular recipes
- Laundry soap combined with acetylsalicylic acid powder can relieve pain and eliminate vascular defects. For compresses, grate soap, knead acetylsalicylic acid (10 tablets) and dissolve in vodka (250 ml). Mix the ingredients and apply to the painful area, bandage and leave on for 30 minutes.
- An effective remedy for treating inflammation of the veins is cabbage leaves in the form of a compress. Mash the medicine into a pulp, apply vegetable oil on one side, apply it to the affected area, and leave it for a day. Secure the dressing on top with a bandage.
- Ginger can be used internally or externally to treat varicose veins. Tea with a small piece of root added is suitable for preventing and treating venous diseases, especially in overweight patients. For the compress, grind the spices and mix with honey. Apply the paste for 3 hours, cover with polythene and wrap a towel on top.
- A compress of woodlice and burdock helps restore lightness to the legs. First, apply tender woodlice to the affected area of the affected limb, wrap burdock leaves on top, and secure with a bandage. When the grass dries, woodlice are replaced, burdock - after 2 hours. They will do the procedure for a long time until there is improvement.
medical products
blood thinners
Anti-inflammatory (medicine)
Modern technology

laser method
- thin the blood;
- Prevent thrombosis;
- dilate blood vessels;
- Relieve inflammation;
- Reduce swelling.
Surgery to correct the problem
- Traditional phlebectomy involves ligating the saphenous vein through incisions in the groin and ankle. Then use a rigid probe to pull it out.
- During dissection, a portion of the venous trunk is removed.
- Phlebectomy is one of the least invasive surgeries; it allows you to remove part of the problematic vein through a skin puncture. The surgeon inserts a hook into the hole, pulls out the vein, then ligates the vessel and removes the damaged portion.

- Fruits and berries are a source of essential elements, vitamins and antioxidants for the body. Vitamins C, A, and E are especially important.
- Cabbage, carrots, whole wheat bread and cereals all contain fiber. Fiber is not digested by food enzymes, but it can promote long-term supply of nutrients, clear toxins and cholesterol from the intestines, and promote weight loss.
- Dried fruits are an alternative to sugar and sweets and help thin the blood. Seasonings such as curry, thyme and ginger have these properties.
- It is better to use sunflower oil or olive oil instead of animal fat.
- Legumes and nuts are included in the diet as sources of vegetable protein.
- Sea kale helps increase the elasticity of blood vessels: it contains trace elements and fiber. Additionally, kelp can reduce appetite.
- Seafood and fish are rich in easily digestible proteins and amino acids.
- Lean meat is allowed. The liver is necessary to produce hemoglobin and provide oxygen to blood vessel cells.
- Lemonade was replaced by freshly squeezed juices and juice drinks. Brews gooseberry and raspberry leaves well.
To thin the blood, it is recommended to brew herbal tea with lemon balm, raspberries, gooseberry leaves, St. John's wort, linden flowers, mint and thyme.
- Alcohol poisons the body, causing swelling, raising blood pressure and damaging the vascular system.
- Fat can lead to weight gain and cholesterol plaque deposits. This process causes inflammation of the vein walls, poor circulation, and increases the risk of blood clots.
- Because they contain fast carbohydrates, sweet foods can have a negative impact on weight and cholesterol production, causing a sharp release of insulin into the bloodstream and tiring the pancreas. As a result, the amount of sugar in the body increases.
- It is necessary to reduce salt intake to prevent excess fluid from accumulating.
- Get into a lying position and lift your limbs alternately. First, perform on your back, then on your stomach.
- "Bicycle" exercises are similar to pedaling in a lying position only. Legs are supported.
- Roll from toes to heels up to 20 times.
- Lifting your hips high, you need to alternate between stepping with your toes and then with your heels.
- Stand straight, while inhaling, slowly raise your toes, exhale, and return to the starting position.
- To unblock the veins, you need to lie down and relax, raising your legs at 20° and placing a bolster or pillow. Breathe evenly and calmly.