Varicose veins in female legs

Varicose veins in legsScience involved in the treatment of all vascular diseasesPhlebology. Problem withvesselOne begins long ago, perhaps even when one first stands on two legsleg. Excessive physical pressure on the lower limbs can lead toVaricose veinsexistfootFor women, the treatment for this disease lies inShoulderdoctorphlebologist. They successfully identifiedVaricose veinsand perform complex treatments. combined with modernSurgeryand minimally invasive technology, laserPhlebologyandphysiotherapyTreatment of varicose veins has positive results.

What are varicose veins?

wordVaricose veinsFrom the Latin "varicis" meaning swelling. Varicose veins, where outflow is disturbedBlood,veinexpansion, leading to stagnationfoot. Varicose veinsveinWomen (20%) are more likely than men (10%) to be affected.

Causes of varicose veins in women’s legs

There are many unfavorable factors that cause this disease:
  • Increased physical activitypressureVvein;
  • Weak vein walls;
  • Monotonous sitting or standing work;
  • Uncomfortable, tight clothing or shoes;
  • excess weight;
  • Pregnantorchildbirth;
  • smokes;
  • genetic factors;
  • Injuries and tumors.
Varicose veins appearveinDelayed outflow due to damaged venous valvesBlood, to stop her from goingHeart. As a result, there may beswelling, thrombosis, in severe cases,ulcer.

stages of varicose veins

Varicose veins have two stages. primary expansionveinThis condition occurs in 20-40% of the population in developed countries. It is caused by insufficient strengthvesselwhat happens whenPregnant, physical overload or periodobesity.Second expansionveinIt usually occurs due to genetics, injury, or tumors. When the valves don't work properly, venous outflow is disrupted, resulting in a reduced oxygen supply. Appeartrophic ulcer.

first signs of varicose veins

  • Burning sensation in lower limbs;
  • Night cramps;
  • darkening and swellingvein;
  • Appearance of ulcer formation.

Treatment of varicose veins in legs

Just the slightest doubtVaricose veinsContact your surgeon immediatelyphlebologist.treatIt is important to treat varicose veins promptly and avoid chronic forms.
treatThis disease requires a comprehensive approach. Regardless of the severity of the illness, it is very important to take during the illness: vitamins (C and E), minerals (zinc, silicon), amino acids (taurine, lysine), enzymes (pancreatin or mezim), Probiotics, always fiber and medicinal plants: horse chestnut, ginger, blueberry, pepper, hops, clove leaves, cress juice.
Other treatments include surgery, minimally invasive devices, laser treatments, andphysiotherapyApply after observation and advicedoctor.

Prevent varicose veins in legs

Preventative measures will help avoid varicose veins:
  • Maintain a correct and healthy lifestyle and eating habits, and exercise more and more;
  • Don’t take too hot baths, don’t go to a sauna, and limit your time in the sun;
  • Lose weight and avoid constipation;
  • Don’t wear uncomfortable clothes and shoes;
  • Do not cross your legs;
  • Distribute the load evenly and don't stay in one position for too long;
  • Move your feet and toes for 3-5 minutes in the morning and evening;
  • Take a cold showerleg, walked through the dew.
Any disease can be prevented, but not all diseases can be cured. So treat your body with love and stay healthy!